Ayurveda's Kitchen Cupboard Remedies - Natural Relief for Cystitis & Bladder Infections

2462289830_726495fb83.jpgEarlier this year I was staying with a friend who suspected she was starting a bladder infection. She had a dull aching sensation below her waist and slight irritation when she passed water. She asked me if I had any advice on natural remedies because she didn’t really want to take antibiotics. We took a trip to her local health store and came back with two spices - 24 hours later she was feeling noticeably more comfortable. 48 hours later she was feeling completely fine.

The two spices we used are turmeric and coriander seeds, these spices are so effective in reducing any irritation or inflammation in the body such as tonsilitis, or conjunctivitis, that my cupboard is always stocked with them.

Two Spices that Work as Natural Remedies for Cystitis & Bladder Infections:

Coriander seeds: For bladder infections you can make a tea with coriander seeds that is very cooling and soothing wherever there is inflammation in the body. In the case of cystitis coriander tea can be used to relieve burning sensations while passing urine. Here’s how to make it: take 1 teaspoonful of coriander seeds, put them in a cup and fill the cup with freshly boiled water, cover and leave for 5 minutes, then strain the seeds off and drink the tea when it’s warm but not hot.

Turmeric: turmeric and milk, sometimes called “golden milk”, is a traditional ayurvedic recipe for calming internal inflammation and bleeding. To make it it, put half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and one cup of milk in a saucepan and heat it until nearly boiling, add a pinch of saffron and leave to cool until warm, once the milk has cooled to a comfortable drinking temperature you can add a spoonful of honey.

Note: This post is for information only - please see a doctor if you are concerned about any symptoms.
Photo by tifotter

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