
What is an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant?

As long as we are not living in harmony with nature and our constitution, we cannot expect ourselves to be really healed. Ayurveda gives us the means.
— Dr. David Frawley
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Ayurveda (India's ancient science of life) is an ocean of healing knowledge supporting all aspects of life. From paediatrics to psychology, nutrition to herbal medicine, Ayurveda offers insights and healing practices that support the mind and body from the subtle and energetic layers to the cellular level.

Though over 5,000 years old, Ayurveda is a living science that is always relevant. Being based on the elements of nature present in all things, Ayurveda offers understanding and a broad range of treatments for all conditions and challenges in life; even those we might consider recently evolved like ADHD.

Ayurveda supports all aspects of life: physical, emotional and spiritual and seeks to help us live life well with emphasis on peace of mind and spiritual growth.

Ayurveda (meaning knowledge of life) is the 5,000 year old bio-spiritual science of wellbeing. It offers deep insights into why and how we suffer with our minds and bodies and gives support through a broad range of healing methods.

An Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant is someone trained to support you in making lifestyle changes that improve your emotional and physical well-being. Using their knowledge of mind body types an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant can help you understand the gifts and challenges of your individual type or dosha.

Drawing on the psychological and behavioural teachings of Ayurveda, a Lifestyle Consultant can help you understand why you may feel frustration or lack of resolve in changing habits or adopting new healing practices. They can shine light on personal and emotional challenges and help you move forward with small daily changes that bring increased self-acceptance and satisfaction to your daily life.

Two third’s of Ayurvedic healing modalities are dedicated to caring for the internal, energetic landscape of a person. The main emphasis in Ayurveda is fine-turning the subtle internal processes that are a part of every human being. Unfortunately, this side of Ayurveda is rarely seen in the West.
— Dr. David Frawley

This is the area of Ayurveda closest to my heart. The understanding of psychological and spiritual development offered by Ayurveda and the Bhakti tradition that have been the guiding star and focus of my life for the last 30 years.

What are the benefits of working with an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant?

  • Receiving support and guidance from the teachings of Ayurveda on living a healthy and happy life.

  • Gaining a deeper understanding of your individual nature and how to work with your mind body type for your own wellbeing.

  • Working out a plan of action around nutrition, daily routine and emotional release for mental and physical health.

  • Offering a collaborative approach to your wellbeing with respectful exploration of your nature and your personal goals and aspirations.

  • Encouraging self-awareness and supporting personal and spiritual development.

  • Helping you bring more peace and joy into your daily life.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultants facilitate change based on the teachings and science of Ayurveda, they don’t advocate one way of eating, or living. Their training is in supporting and encouraging their clients to develop an understanding of their individual nature and how to live it well.