Five Ways to Reduce Stress and Feel More Relaxed
Have you ever said that you've had enough of stress, that you will react differently next time, that you hate it when you lose it? We've probably all felt that we've handled stress badly at one time or another. We hate the feeling of snapping at loved ones, being impatient with other drivers, or just plain overreacting and feeling embarrassed afterward.
So how can you help yourself make a genuine and lasting change with how you deal with stress? These five quick tips might help...
How Understanding Anxiety Can Help You Find Relief
Everyone suffers from anxiety occasionally, but when anxiety takes over your life it’s a very different experience to a spell of short-term anxiety that’s related to a specific event. Ayurveda offers some useful insights into how anxiety manifests and what you can do to help yourself manage it.
5 Anti Stress Breathing Techniques to Help You Feel Calm Anywhere
Your breath and your mind have an intimate relationship, if your breathing is fast and shallow it can stir up your thoughts and increase your stress, but if you learn to notice your breath and slow it down, you can reign your thoughts in and calm your mind.
Stress Relief Techniques: 5 Things I Learned from Spying on Calm People
How many times have you reacted to stress by blurting out a harsh response and escalating the situation? It can be hard not to. If you're already simmering then any extra little stress is going to provoke a spurt of steam, sometimes your steam just evaporates into the air, but sometimes it scalds people around you and that's not a good thing. So how can you stop those spontaneous eruptions?