Anxiety Stress Relief Ananga Anxiety Stress Relief Ananga

Simple Acts of Calm: Take Your Mind on a Mini Break

A recent study at the University of Connecticut encouraged participants to try simple stress relief techniques that involved breathing slowly and visualising a peaceful place and found that: “Just four ‘mini relaxation’ stress management sessions (1 1/2 to 2 minutes) over the course of the day reduced work-related stress as effectively as 15-minute blocks of progressive muscle relaxation.”

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Anxiety Stress Relief Ananga Anxiety Stress Relief Ananga

Natural Anxiety Remedies: 7 Super Simple Ways to Cultivate Calm

If a friend is upset we want to help them, we will call them up and talk things through and get our head working to see what we can do. But when we get anxious ourselves, we quickly loose sight of any possible solution. Work stress, financial worries, noise pollution and the ADHD provoking hum of a society that never sleeps and has put screens everywhere you look can leave you feeling overwhelmed and disconnected.

Anxiety has to be one of the worst feelings. It turns everything a shade of grey, drawing your attention to unwanted thoughts and smothering your joy for life.

Ancient Perspectives on a Very Current Syndrome
Ayurveda teaches that anxiety is usually due to a disturbance of vata dosha in the nervous system and it offers some excellent natural anxiety remedies that can help you be your own best friend and feel back in calm and confident control of your life.
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Anxiety Stress Relief Ananga Anxiety Stress Relief Ananga

Present Moment Awareness: Lessons from Dogs on Being Here Now

I was talking with an old friend yesterday who expressed concern about how many of us have lost sight of ourselves due to being stressed and externally focused. In essence we have lost the art of present moment awareness.

When we're too concerned about the world outside of us we become out of touch with our inner guidance, we don't hear our body's intelligence tell us to slow down, drink some water, take a break etc. If this becomes our way of life we become imbalanced and at some point our health begins to suffer.

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