The Reflective Life: Journaling


256242970_3330c7bcbe_m.jpg“My father used to tell us when we kept our journal to rule a line down the centre of the page and note on the left side what we thought might happen that day, and then, at the end of the day, note in the column on the right what actually happened. It was an interesting exercise.”  Miss Matty - Cranford

There’s something about a journal that I really love. Though I spend most of my writing life tapping away on my laptop, a nice pen and journal always conjure a feeling of quiet reflection in me.

Here’s a brief look at the benefits of journaling as we approach the end of this year and begin to think about our plans for the next.

Journaling clears the mind, it’s a private way to get things out of your head and unravel them. It can help you tidy your thoughts and allows for some honest introspection.

Journaling is  a good way to keep a gratitude log, to acknowledge our good fortune and note the kindness and cuteness of friends, family and children. I found my 2005 journal while tidying my office this week and really enjoyed re-reading a random page or two about sweet times spent with my daughter.

A journal is a good place to plan and state intentions, you can use it for general rumination about things you want to do or for creative doodling, mind mapping and brainstorming.102651979_f8e64f06ed_m.jpg

A journal can help you build confidence, apparently Donald Trump has a journal of past achievements that he flicks through when he’s about to embark on something new.  Any challenge overcome can be noted, nothing’s too big and nothing’s too small. In fact, noting small achievements is a very healthy way to build self-esteem and stamina for hopping over future hurdles.

Photos by: Lost in Scotland Flickr Photo (CC)

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