Meditation: Is 5 Minutes Really Enough?


Meditation: Is 5 Minutes Really Enough? Natural Health and Holistic Living expert Jane Alexander certainly thinks so. In this month’s Natural Health Magazine, meditation is number 5 in her list of 10 Ways to De-stress, and she doesn't see why it has to take hours.

Here’s what she has to say: “Even five minutes of meditation can bring your heartbeat down and soothe your stress levels.”


Of course, meditation takes many forms and those different forms each have different purposes. But for those suffering from stress and anxiety five minutes of deep and focused breathing can definitely have a profound effect. The wonderful thing about fully entering into meditation for five minutes is that the benefits you will experience extend far beyond that precious five minute investment into the rest of your day.

When it comes to meditation regularity is of greater importance than infrequent long sessions. If you were to meditate for just five minutes morning and evening your would benefit far more than if you spent one hour a week in a meditation marathon.

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Sign to the "Meditation Room" at Jacksonville International Airport.
Photo by Joe Shalobotnik

Flickr Photo (CC)Photo by: Elle Rigby Flickr Photo (CC)







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